Thursday, April 3, 2008

My World

wat if i dnt wake up, there still be a sunrise
wat if i dnt come on duty, ma paper will still have an edition
wat if i dnt smile, ppl still have laughs
wat if i dnt speak, there still will be conversations

I make difference mostly to myself

And if i wake up, there will be a sunrise
And if i am on duty, there will an edition
And if i smile, there will be laughter
And if i speak up, there will be conversations


SANAGALA said...

Good one Hiral!!!let mee try something

What If hiral doesnt scrap, i will
what If i dont scrap, hiral will...

Yar I thank orkut for bringing you into me.

good to know u my dear frd..
can i say dat...guess its alright.

chinmai said...

nice one buddy...i make difference to myself ....

Bhavin Dadhaniya said...

its awesome...good..